Time for a Walk....
Coco enjoyed his walk today! Although it was hot (near 100*) today it was still a nice walk. Glad I brought my camera along since it was great to capture Coco at every stop we made. He lifts his leg like a true BOY! It doesn't bother me one bit. I know lots of people don't like Male dogs since they lift their legs but I don't see a problem with it. (as long as they don't do it in the house) Coco is potty-trained though So he knows not to pee-pee in the house. On the rare occasions where he does pee in the house, usually on rainy days when it is harder for me to walk him....He was squat like a girl, like he knows not to lift his leg on the furniture! He's a smart little guy. Anyways, on to the pictures....Hey Coco......Are you ready to go for a walk???
Coco's first pit stop.... One of his favorite places to mark. A little wood fence acorss the street.
Coco's second pit stop....... Like a true boy would, a Fire hydrant! I am pretty sure this is the Meet up for all the male dogs in our neighborhood!
After all that walking Coco and Mommy need a drink! Ice cold iced-tea for me........and water for Coco.......
That's a cute post with all the pit stops! He's so smart! You are so lucky he doesn't go in the house...we have problems over here in our house with pee-pee. But I would never get rid of them because of it. Just have to clean the floors more often over here. Glad your camera is working again. I know that's frustrating. I haven't been able to post pictures at my parents and I love to post pictures. Maybe you should exchange it or see if they can fix it.
Hey Ragus ;o) I am glad you liked the post. I thought I should post about his "habits" on his walks! Glad you feel the same way as me as the whole pee pee thing. And to think that is an excuse to get rid of a dog to a shelter. "Oh he lifts his legs. Marks the furniture" You know?? Ugg! Lots of people aren't like us in the sense of our Babies!
I am thinking of sending it in. Then they cant fix it...Send me a new one... I like that LOL
Hard to be without a camera though for the time it is sent in ;( It will be worth it to have one that works ALL the time though!
That is Funny. I Pug sat for my sisters Male Pug while they went on vacation. He is also a leg lifter when he pees. Willow must of seen him doing this because she tried to lift hers...No joke she really did. but I think she know it wasn't very lady like so she went back to the female squat position. LOL...
We have issues with the potty thing here too on rainy days or especially in the cold winter months. they hate to get their paws cold or wet. I put a potty pad on the floor near the door. Willow seems to hold it but Belle uses it once in awhile. I don't mind. it is just a little bit of pee. and if she poos it is like so tiny Ehh...It doesn't bother me..at lest they don't go on the rugs or furniture. then I think I would have a problem with it. I would NEVER give them up because of it. so a little accident here and there is no biggie.
Willow tried to lift her leg! That is too funny. Glad she realized that was not what a lad does LOL
It is amazing to me that Coco doesn't just topple over when he lifts his leg! He looks so unbalanced. I guess he is a PRO at lef lifting outside though so that won't happen! ;o)
By the way~~I like the new picture you have for when you post comments. It is my favorite one that you have ever posted of the 2 gals together. The head tilt is identical for both of them in that picture! Same angle and all. Cute ;o)
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