Coco the Maltepoo: The Beach

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Beach

Hey All~ It's been so hot here lately. 105* and 100% Humidity! Yuck. You'd think that we live in the High desert! If anyone of you were worried about us over here in CA (I know, I know, you all were!) you can relax. The Fires are in the High Desert area, and that is no where near us. Although we do share the same mountain range, it goes on for many, many miles between us and where the fires are happening. There is 70% containment on the fires already, up from 30% at the end of Last week, so it looks like it is under control. I am glad because I fear it could spread over here. But it's nowhere close to us, so I try not to worry!

This is a picture of the Boat dock in Dana Point. The water is so clear. Dana Point is about an hour from us. Its nice to go down there....Its only 80* there! And of course the ocean breeze is nice.

Coco is ready for Halloween! LOL (way too early!) I thought this frame was cute, it's one of the options on Photo editor. This picture was taken a few days ago. It looks like Coco is smiling!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean looks like? He is smiling I can tell. Not about the heat and fires though. It has been especially warm even in PA....ugh, thank goodness for ac.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 3:10:00 PM  
Blogger Coco said...

You're right, he IS smiling :o)
Smiling b/c he is looking forward to a Jerky treat!
Thank God is right for AC. It is way too hot for us humans, and the dogs too.
I hope all the dog owners that keep their dogs outside, bring Them in, in this Heat!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 3:46:00 PM  
Blogger Sandy said...

Every time I see him I can tell he's so smart. I just want to squish his face and give him a kiss. California is so funny in that it can have such extreme weather from one are to another. I'm glad those fires are not close to you. Are you close to Las Vegas sort of??

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 4:46:00 PM  
Blogger Coco said...

Coco is very appreciative of your comment! He is pretty smart in the sense of him catching onto things like commands. He knows what he wants in life! He'll do his full routine of - sit, stay, come, shake, dance, and down for a Jerky treat. Its almost to the point now where I dont have to call each command out, he'll just do them! I'll give him a Kiss for you, don't worry! That will just make 101. LOL
We are on the coast part of CA. If you were to look at the map, you would think we were in the ocean! We are near Las Vagas though as far as how southern we are.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:13:00 PM  
Blogger ♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Ya it is hot here too..not 100* but high 90's the Marina is sooo pretty. I love the views you is amazing to me the differences we have being across the country from one another..... I hope to make it over to Ca. some day...My Husband went and he liked it. someday...My girs also want to go to the SanDiego Zoo...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:55:00 PM  
Blogger Coco said...

If you ever come on down this way, let me know, and don't forget to bring the Pugs so Coco can meet the girls! :) The San Diego Zoo would be a wonderful experience for them. Also the Aquriaum of the Pacific is out here too, they'd like it!
It amazes me too...That there are people in every part of the world. Living in houses, with completely different views then what we have. Yet, we're all people, and some of use even have the same taste on completely different parts of the States like you and I! And the internet... Amazing as well. Its sad, but now-a-days, people would be lost Without it! I can imagine what I did before ????? LOL

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:46:00 PM  

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