Get that Ball, Coco! I love this picture of Coco. His little ears are flying up in the air as he "Pounced" on the ball. I'd roll it for him, and he'd try to be able to get his mouth around the ball. (Not an easy task when the ball is bigger than his mouth!) He finally got it, I was so proud of him ~ He made a little snag in the ball and grabbed that fabric. Smarty!
Coco sends a Smile to all of his Blogger Pals! This was Coco looking at me...Ready for me to play FETCH with him tonight. He loves (LOVES) to fetch toys. Especially his Blue Man :~)
Here is a ~Sampling~ of Coco's toys. (Just a sampling because as you all know, there are a lot more for this little boy, LOL) Take note of how nice and clean they are and how plush they look. They look like the toys of a very spoiled little guy, don't they?
Now ~ Take a look at Coco's FAVORITE Toy of ALL. Take note of how dirty it looks, and how you can see where I have sewed it together. Also, take note of Coco's little nose in the picture. He couldn't part from it for me to even take a picture :-)
"Blue Man Sqeauker" is Coco's favorite toy in the world. It is the toy I got him when we first brought him home. So, it is the same age as Coco. I find it very precious/endearing that Coco loves it so much, despite how "Pathetic" it looks. Isn't that sweet? I don't dare wash it in the Washer, as I am affraid it will fall apart to the point where I can't fix it! I have sewed it back together many times, as I don't dare take Coco's "BABY" from him! And the whole time I am sewing it, he looks at me with those sweet little eyes as if to say, "Mommy, can I have my baby back now, pleeease?" :-)
THIS is a Smile! (Well, it's more like a good picture that I got just in time when Coco was opening his mouth chewing a treat...BUT, we'll call it a Smile :-) He is a talented Maltepoo!
Just teasing...they've been around for awhile. But I've never mentioned them here so I thought it would be a nice idea to introduce you all to The ~Goldies~ They are Goldfish that live in our outdoor pond that feed on moss and seaweed (Although I give them fish food as well) but they'd much rather eat the Pond Plants. It is amazing how BIG they have gotten.
Sorry if this picture came out blurry...Blogger did a very weird thing when I uploaded this picture tonight, it made it very, very tiny so I had to drag it to make it larger. Not sure how it will look when I "Publish Post!"
Looks like there is a Storm heading in! There are black clouds backing up the Mountain today. I am excited ~Welcome Winter~ Well, maybe that's a bit of a Stretch...I guess, more like Welcome ~Fall~ But either way, Welcome COLD weather!
I Love this picture that I took of Coco today. He looks like he has a little expression on his face! Like a little smirk. He says ~Hi~ to all of his Bloggin' Pals! His hair is getting long again....Almost time for a Haircut!
Sorry the pictures are in such a weird pattern today...this was the ONLY way Blogger would let me upload them. I remember when Lisa told me to do them Right Justified the last time I couldn't upload Pictures...And thank you Lisa...IT worked again!