8 things about Coco - We've been tagged!
Baxter tagged us! Yeah :) 8 THINGS ABOUT COCO THAT YOU MAY NOT (or may) KNOW!
~8 things about little Coco~
Uno ~ Coco's full, registered name is Coco Chanel. I always knew I'd name my Maltepoo Coco Chanel!
Dos ~ Coco has many nicknames. Some do not even resemble his name of Coco. A few are...
Coco Puff, Co-Chinnna, Pogo Puff, Nay Nay - My favorite nickname! (don't ask me HOW I came up with that one! It was the funniest thing, all of a sudden I realized I was calling him that. It sounds so adorable and...he actually answers to it!)
Tres ~ Coco loves loves loves to go for walks many times a day!
Quatro ~ Coco can dance on his two hind legs.
Cinco ~ Coco loves to play FETCH. Some dogs simply are not "fetch" dogs, but Coco is.
Seis ~ Coco has some of the BEST blogging buddies around, one lucky dog!
Seiete ~ Coco loves to eat his new treats from Trader Joes. They are called Jerky bites for small breeds. He loves them!
Ocho ~ Coco now knows how to lay down on the command of ~Down~ I'd like to think he did it to please me...But I know it was b/c I had a treat each time I was teaching him... :)
We TAG anyone who'd like to play...
I hope all of our bloggin friends play along!
Here's the rules...
* Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
~8 things about little Coco~
Uno ~ Coco's full, registered name is Coco Chanel. I always knew I'd name my Maltepoo Coco Chanel!
Dos ~ Coco has many nicknames. Some do not even resemble his name of Coco. A few are...
Coco Puff, Co-Chinnna, Pogo Puff, Nay Nay - My favorite nickname! (don't ask me HOW I came up with that one! It was the funniest thing, all of a sudden I realized I was calling him that. It sounds so adorable and...he actually answers to it!)
Tres ~ Coco loves loves loves to go for walks many times a day!
Quatro ~ Coco can dance on his two hind legs.
Cinco ~ Coco loves to play FETCH. Some dogs simply are not "fetch" dogs, but Coco is.
Seis ~ Coco has some of the BEST blogging buddies around, one lucky dog!
Seiete ~ Coco loves to eat his new treats from Trader Joes. They are called Jerky bites for small breeds. He loves them!
Ocho ~ Coco now knows how to lay down on the command of ~Down~ I'd like to think he did it to please me...But I know it was b/c I had a treat each time I was teaching him... :)
We TAG anyone who'd like to play...
I hope all of our bloggin friends play along!
Here's the rules...
* Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Gee Coco...that's a lot of facts...I'm going to have to think about this...but thanks for the tag!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Baxter sez:
COCO! I think we must be cousins because we like the same stuff.
Mum calls me Poppet, B-dawg, and Fruit Loop.
Coco I am not surprised you have such a fashionable name! You've got the look. I thought I saw you in "The Devil Wears Prada" over in Paris! I will be playing with BAxterman and Sugars things as soon as I can get them all together!
Hi, Coco.
Thanks for playing this game and telling us these ocho things about you. It helps us to know you better.
Have a nice day
Hi ya Coco, What great things to learn about you. I feel as though I know you so much better. I will post 8 things about myself tomorrow. I think Coco suits you to pawfection. You are very fashionable!!! Us poodle mixes rule.
Sweets - a fellow poodle mix
Fun! I will consider my 3 tagged!
Love reading facts on Coco....He is such a handsome man...
NayNay...Too cute!
I see you haven't posted since August so not sure if you still read ths. I searched for "maltepoo haircuts" and your post of Coco's haircut came up.
I have a maltepoo! He looks a lot like your Coco, but he's hair is more straight. He is just 4 1/2 months old and is 6 pounds. I'm hoping he doesn't get much bigger!
I was trying to decide how to get his hair cut this spring.
今まで同い年や年下としか付き合ったことなくて疲れてしまいました…優しくリードしてくれるような大人の男性に憧れます。 ayu-cha@docomo.ne.jpよかったらメールしてみてください。
熟女だって性欲がある、貴方がもし人妻とSEXしてお金を稼ぎたいのなら、一度人妻ワイフをご利用ください。当サイトには全国各地からお金持ちのセレブたちが集まっています。女性から男性への報酬は、 最低15万円からと決めております。興味のある方は一度当サイト案内をご覧ください
最近仕事ばかりで毎日退屈してます。そろそろ恋人欲しいです☆もう夏だし海とか行きたいな♪ k.c.0720@docomo.ne.jp 連絡待ってるよ☆
夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ megumi-0830@docomo.ne.jp 連絡してね♪
ホムペ完成記念!私の事みんなに知ってもらいたくて頑張りましたぁ。色々とご感想をお待ちしているので思った事を意見してください。メアドはほむぺにのせてありますぅ!★ fan.jna@docomo.ne.jp
少し魅惑な自分をネットだから公開してみました。普段言えない事など、思い切って告白しているプロフなので興味ある方はぜひ除いてみてください連絡待ってまぁす。 hinyaaaaa@docomo.ne.jp
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