Coco the Maltepoo: January 2007

Coco the Maltepoo

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Pick your favorite!

Okay guys...I am about to enter Coco in the Feb. doggie photo contest (like I do every month!) and this time...we would like to WIN! So, I would love for all of my "readers" to please vote for your favorite out of these pics below. I have gotten it done to these 5, but I'd like your help in deciding. Let us know your favorite! If you were a judge...what picture would you pick to win? Thanks much :)


D) E)
The more votes...the easier my choice will be! I have until Jan 31st to take all the time you need :) Thank You!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New "Blue Man"!

Look at this! It's a NEW Blue Man Squeaky toy! I never thought I'd find another one. So, I gave him his new one. BUT~He stills like the "old" one better...he's a true blue boy to hsi favorite toys! He didn't sell the old Blue Man up the river for his nice, new one. What a guy! :)
Look at how FLUFFY the other one was when we got it! He's had it since we brought him it is as old as Coco! 2 years is a LONG time for a TOY, don't ya think? Even if it is now missing an arm...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Heading to the Westminster Dog Show!

I just brushed Coco out today...this is what I call a FULL Brushing ~ From the Tip of his snout (literally) to the very end of his tail. I think his coat looks Gorgeous!

This is when Coco favors his Maltese side.
I love that he is a Malte~Poo and can really go either way with his coat...after he is groomed/clipped he looks just like a Mini Poodle. But when his coat is at this point and I brush him out, he looks like a Maltese with a tint of lemon coloring to his coat!
Doesn't he look like the next ~Best in Show~ at Westminster?

My baby boy!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Coco and his Kong!

Coco got snuggly on his Blankie with his Kong tonight.

I love watching Coco play with his Kong. He is quite the Pro at getting the treat out now! Look at his "hand" movements! Precious :)

Almost got it....
Yeah! I got it...chew, chew, chew...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Coco's Favorite Things #2

Coco loves presents!
This was Coco on Christmas morning. One of his gifts (shown here in wrapping paper) was a cute litter Reindeer. He bit off one of his antlers within minutes! It proved to be a safety hazard, so I cut off the other antler. The toy looks so pathetic now!
I was so proud of him...He got his gifts out of the paper on his OWN very quickly!
:) He's so cute!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Favorite Things #1 (and more)

Coco has many favorite things. #1 being Belly Rubs! Coco loves for me to rub his widdle little belly when we watch TV at night. That little bit of blue you see near his head...can you guess what it is?
It's Blue Man Squeaker of course! His favorite toy of ALL TIME. He loves that thing.

Coco was New Years Tagged by Baily the Maltese!
His new year's resolutions are: Coco told me what to say (in red) My comments are in the ( ) 's.

~1~ More belly rubs! (already accomplished big guy!)
~2~ More jerky treats! (working on it...)

~3~ Even more selection of TOYS! (is that even possible? maybe...)
~4~ Go to the very top of the backyard. There's a lot of sniffing to do up there. (no way! Momma's scared...there's coyotes up there!)

If you want to play along...then consider yourself TAGGED! :)

We hope you have a great day! We know your mommy will make you very happy with lots of toys, treats, belly rubs and puggie kisses!