Coco the Maltepoo: August 2007

Coco the Maltepoo

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Coco is smiling!

Look at his tongue!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

8 things about Coco - We've been tagged!

Baxter tagged us! Yeah :) 8 THINGS ABOUT COCO THAT YOU MAY NOT (or may) KNOW!

~8 things about little Coco~

Uno ~ Coco's full, registered name is Coco Chanel. I always knew I'd name my Maltepoo Coco Chanel!

Dos ~ Coco has many nicknames. Some do not even resemble his name of Coco. A few are...
Coco Puff, Co-Chinnna, Pogo Puff, Nay Nay - My favorite nickname! (don't ask me HOW I came up with that one! It was the funniest thing, all of a sudden I realized I was calling him that. It sounds so adorable and...he actually answers to it!)

Tres ~ Coco loves loves loves to go for walks many times a day!

Quatro ~ Coco can dance on his two hind legs.

Cinco ~ Coco loves to play FETCH. Some dogs simply are not "fetch" dogs, but Coco is.

Seis ~ Coco has some of the BEST blogging buddies around, one lucky dog!

Seiete ~ Coco loves to eat his new treats from Trader Joes. They are called Jerky bites for small breeds. He loves them!

Ocho ~ Coco now knows how to lay down on the command of ~Down~ I'd like to think he did it to please me...But I know it was b/c I had a treat each time I was teaching him... :)

We TAG anyone who'd like to play...
I hope all of our bloggin friends play along!

Here's the rules...
* Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.