It has come to my attention that while I was away in 'Blogging Blues / Lazy No Posting Land' I missed the celebration of my 1 YEAR BLOG-A-VERSARY! April 4th, 2006 - my very first post.
I can't believe it.
ONE whole year. It flew by.
Here is my very first post.
At the time Lisa was my only commenter...and Lisa, you are just as cherished today as you were then!
(and all of my current commenters, too! We luv ya all!)
Well, the Blog-a-Versary Par-tay can begin now. :o) Yeah Coco & Me!
I can't believe it.
ONE whole year. It flew by.
Here is my very first post.
At the time Lisa was my only commenter...and Lisa, you are just as cherished today as you were then!
(and all of my current commenters, too! We luv ya all!)
Well, the Blog-a-Versary Par-tay can begin now. :o) Yeah Coco & Me!