My Baby
This was Coco as a puppy. I found this picture of him on my computer today and had to post it. He was SO tiny. And so dark. Look at his ears!
Also, just wondering - Does anyone have a Maltepoo out there? (or a Maltese or a Poodle) Just curious to know if Coco & I have any unknown blogging buddies out there! If you do, please leave us a comment! We'd love to link to you.
Oh My This doesnt even look like coco...Just like my daughter..she was born with Black hair and now is a beige blond.........
he is a cutie...even as a lil pup. I will see what i can find for Bloggers for you...I have a few min tonight so I will take a peek...I am sure there is somewhere out there!
I know, it's amazing how he changed! He was so tiny when we got him! He went from nearly a Red to nearly white. I like white!
WOW! Black to blonde! I have to say I like blonde better, hehe :-) (being a blonde myself)
I looked on yahoo and google a few nights ago and NOTHING :( I typed in Pug Blogs for ther heck of it and there were tons! I think the first one to come up was Roy the Pug's. It is amazing so many on Pugs and I couldn't find even on e on Maltepoos (or even Maltese or Poodles) I would be VERY grateful if you found one!!! And amazed :-)
Ya I am still looking..all I have found is breeders...People out there who have Poodles or Maltese are missing out on Blogging fun! I will keep trying.......I enjoy your posts you don't have to worry about losing me. ;o)
Yeah they are missing out!
Hey, if I have one reader that's enough :) I am glad you enjoy my posts. I plan on posting for a looooooooong time more!
Yeah!!! Keep 'em coming!
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